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Patient Engagement Advocate on Collaborating Successfully with Pharma

Sponsored by Kayentis

This podcast focuses on creating expectations around patient involvement in clinical trial design, and how patients can be collaborating with pharma stakeholders, through the perspective of a patient engagement advocate / cystic fibrosis patient.

August 1, 2024
Patient Engagement Advocate on Collaborating Successfully with Pharma


In this podcast, engagement advocate and cystic fibrosis patient Thomas Smith, interviewed by Basile Trimbur, Medical and Scientific Officer, Patient Advocacy Lead at Kayentis, tells us about being the patient voice in clinical trials through several collaborations with pharma and biotech companies, setting expectations around involvement between patients and clinical trial stakeholders, and other ways that patients can be involved in the clinical trial design process.  

Listeners will walk away:

  • Hearing firsthand from a patient advocate on his experience working with pharma

  • Knowing how to leverage relationships with different types of advocates in distinct parts of trial design

  • Better informed on what patient advocates want from pharma partnerships 

For more information, visit patientsaspartners.org. For more information about Kayentis, visit kayentis.com

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