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Using Sustainability to Empower Patient Engagement Goals in Medicine Development

Integrating the patient perspective within the sustainability framework elevates patient engagement as a strategic priority, generating business value with societal benefits. 

June 13, 2024
Using Sustainability to Empower Patient Engagement Goals in Medicine Development


In this podcast from the 2024 Patients as Partners conference, our panelists explore:

  • How incorporating patient engagement into sustainability and/or ESG metrics enables more effective engagement across the lifecycle
  • The role of different stakeholders in this landscape and the impact on the industry, investment, and patient communities
  • Areas where these different stakeholders could influence patient engagement and the overall sustainability picture
  • The investor perspective on how patient input affects decision-making
  • Strategies for partnering with patient communities to develop a materiality matrix that defines sustainability/ESG measurements, enhancing patient engagement

For more information, visit patientsaspartners.org

In this podcast

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