Design Better Drug Delivery Systems and Discover Better Targets Using AI/ML and Computational Biology
In this webcast, which is a rebroadcast from PODD 2023, experts from pharma, biotech and academia separate hype from reality, and dig into how artificial intelligence and computational approaches can help design delivery vehicles, predict how they work in vivo, and discover better targets.

About this webinar:
How will AI/ML actually impact our work in drug delivery and target discovery?
In this webcast, which is a rebroadcast from PODD 2023, experts from pharma, biotech and academia separate hype from reality, and dig into how artificial intelligence and computational approaches can help design delivery vehicles, predict how they work in vivo, and discover better targets.
More specifically, our panelists discuss:
• The relationship between target discovery and effective delivery systems for RNA-based medicines
• Computational approaches to predict the impact of different genetic loads in vectors and virus-like particles
• Designing novel synthetic nanoparticles using machine learning and artificial intelligence
• Better ways to pool data across studies, improve speed and cost of data analysis, and improve data quality in late discovery/early development
About PODD, the webinar’s associated conference:
Partnership Opportunities in Drug Delivery (PODD®) is committed to upholding its tradition of combining partnering, access to cutting-edge business and scientific content in the field of drug delivery, with loyal support from a top notch speaking faculty.Pharma, biotech and the drug delivery industries gather annually at PODD to assess delivery needs, latest trends and information on deals and learn about a wide range of innovative drug delivery technologies that could improve the delivery of various types of drugs. This can include proteins, peptides, oligonucleotides, biologics, and small molecules and more. PODD provides business development opportunities through organized networking and a partnering tool for new, emerging and established collaborations.