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Simplicity in Technology Delivery for Clinical Trials

AstraZeneca outlines how their new group is simplifying the introduction and delivery of technology in clinical trials, for site and patient benefit. 

September 16, 2024
Simplicity in Technology Delivery for Clinical Trials


Technology plays a greater role than ever in clinical trials, and the need to deliver it in a way that is patient- and site-friendly is critical. 

In this podcast, recorded at the 2024 Patients as Partners Europe event, AstraZeneca discusses how they are driving simplicity and patient choice in clinical trials using technology. 

This podcast covers:

  • How to design and build technology that suits the needs of sites and their respective patients
  • Navigating the challenges of introducing technology to trials, and identifying solutions to address its impact
  • Reducing patient burden from a technology perspective

For more information, go to clinicaltrialsoperations.org


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